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How Reefer Transportation Companies Have Changed the Delivery Landscape

May 15, 2023

Keeping stores stocked and people fed isn't easy. Without proper refrigeration, there are strict limitations on what food and goods can be transferred where. Reefer transportation companies help overcome this issue. These innovative companies have altered the delivery service industry with the power of refrigerated trucks. Keep reading to learn more about key industries that benefit from this service.

Grocery Stores

It used to be so much harder to transport food. Without refrigeration, it can quickly start to wither, rot, or spoil. According to Foodwise, a non-profit devoted to developing food markets, food products in the United States travel an estimated 1,500 miles to get from farm to plate. Reefer transportation companies make that possible. Grocery stores and markets are now full of fresh fruits and vegetables from all over the country. Even remote stores gain access to a wide array of produce previous generations could only dream about. Reefer trucks have made our produce more diverse than ever before.

Military Support

Soldiers on deployment or out on a field training exercise need fresh food. According to the Defense Technical Information Center, freeze-dried food was a major resource sent to military personnel. Nowadays, reefer transportation companies have changed all that. Soldiers in remote areas gain access to fresh, nutritious food to support them as they work in service of our country.

Medical Support

Reefer transportation companies don't just move foodstuff. Refrigerated trucks are also used for medical supplies. They allow for the safe transportation of blood and organs needed to provide life-saving care to medical patients. We saw refrigerated trucks step up once again during the recent Covid-19 crisis. Reefer trucks helped supply vaccines, transport life-saving medicine, and preserve the dead for their loved ones to bury. The medical industry has been radically improved by refrigerated trucks.

Life is a lot different than it was before we had reefer transportation. The next time you enjoy a fresh piece of produce or receive a vaccine, you might have a refrigerated truck to thank. If you need reefer transportation services for your company, give us a call at Jilco Equipment Leasing Co Inc! Since we got our start in 1967, we've been a reliable source of reefer transportation and service, so you can count on our decades of experience. We would love to assist you!

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